Crazy cousins

Friday, October 06, 2006


Þetta var geggjað partý.... já eða þannig.

I think I soon have to declare this BLOG officially DEAD if someone else than me doesn´t start writing or even just READING this blog!!

I guess we crazy cousins are not that crazy after all....

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Sæl verið þið,
Anna Sólveig er búin að vera á landinu í nokkra mánuði núna, en er á leiðinni heim þann 6.október. Við viljum endilega kveðja stúlkuna með pompi og prakt og ætlum því að efna til frændsystkinapartýs: annaðhvort

föstudaginn 29.sept


laugardaginn 30.sept


Endilega látið vita hvort þið komist eða ekki með því að svara í kommentakerfinu! Að öllum líkindum verður þetta heima hjá mér (Ýri), nema við getum verið á Tjarnargötunni?

Þegar við vitum nánar hverjir komast og hvor dagurinn verður fyrir vali, getum við planað þetta aðeins betur. Held það sé algjörlega málið að hittast og borða saman og þeir sem vilja halda áfram og partýast, geri það... ;)

Látið heyra í ykkur kæru frændsystkin, einn fyrir alla og allir fyrir einn!!!
(Lifi Bakkagerði)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Where are you people???

Looks like no-one is reading this blog except for me and my sister??

Anyways. Me and Anna Sólveig and a few friends of mine went camping last week end (Verslunarmannahelgin) and did a bit of Mountaineering on the big Unimog. Got both rain and sun as is excpected in Iceland. Went to Landmannahellir and Landmannalaugar. Pictures are HERE, check it out.

So, are you coming in september with your mom, Frankie?? That would be just GREAT. If you come, we have to organize some kind of crazy cousins get-to-gether then. If you don´t come, we´ll still meet though - won´t be the same without you.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Party, whale watching and stuff

Helluuuuu!!! Me, Auður, Emma Ýrr, Biggi and Anna Sólveig went WHALE WATCHING last sunday! The pictures you can see HERE. We also wen to Þórsmörk a few weeks ago. You can see the pictures from that HERE.
I also had a little party for a few of my friends and Anna was there too... took a few pics on my new camere, but they are not exactly to put on Emma Ýrr´s web site, so I have to find a good picture web site first and put my pics there...

Anyways, what´s up?? Who of you Icelandic cousins want to meet up late this summer and have a little cousins party? I´m game...I´m even ready to have it at my place. We can cook something good together (if you´re nice, maybe me and Auður will make pizza - the best pizza in the world) and have a few beers and a few laughs... What do you say??? Who´s game??

Friday, July 07, 2006

Crazy Anna has arrived!

Well well, me and Auður got up VERY early this morning to pick up Anna Solveig at the airport. It was great seeing her, and we have alread started planning things for her to do in Iceland. Of course.

So tomorrow morning we are going camping in Þórsmörk. Such a beautiful place! BBQ, beer and camping in Iceland. Nothing can beat it, I tell you.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Summertime yeah..not
(Me and my friend Hildur at Olafsvik)

What the hell(!) happened to the summer??? Where did it go???? It's just rain rain rain!! :'(

Our Gummi Palli's and Gummi's family wing went to Italy a couple of weeks ago! Had a great time in a Tuscany villa with everybody!! Happy happy joy joy...drank lots of red wine and ate good food. I'm so sad being back. Gummi Palli and Gummi have a great story about a little trip to to share? :)
I also went to this little town called Olafsvik last
weekend and it was great!! I stayed in this cozy trailer something something with seven others and we had lots of fun....the only thing bad was that my phone was stolen, so I had to buy a new one and I don't have any phonenr. so if you could sms me your numers here in Iceland I would be veeeeeeeeeery thankful! ;)
After this trip to Olafsvik I'm dying to get out of Reykjavik and travel around, so if anyone's up for it, I'm game!

Vigdis Eva

Thursday, June 29, 2006

This summer

Well well well!
Anna Sólveig coming to Iceland! Don´t we have to have some kind of cousin-get-together for this? And don´t we have to start writing something on this blog??

The Amazing adventures of the Crazy Cousins!
I´m thinking we have to go for a ride in Biggi´s UNIMOG? Or maybe we can go camping (if we can find the time?) At least we have to do SOMETHING. I can at least invite you all to my place for a pizza or something. What do you say about that?

I also dare you all to write something here of what you are doing these days!

Me and Auður graduated this spring and we held a BIG graduation party on the 10th of June. Man, was that FUN or what??? Vigdís and Gummi were "veislustjórar" which basically means "in-charge-of-the-party" and said a few jokes and stuff...did a great job there. You can se PICTURES from the party HERE .

Me and UNIMOG - who want´s to take a ride?

January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006

Crazy cousins
Vigdís Eva
Gummi Palli
Magnús Már
Kolbeinn Karl
Francis Guðmundur

Vigdís Eva
Gummi Palli

Family Stuff
Emma Ýrr
Hlíf & Geir